Chapter 1: Introduction, Navigation and Commands 15
--:- units cli -> inspectdbuf overview/appliance_data_logging
The following commands are available for inspectdbuf:
Return - Scroll forward one line.
Ctrl + F - Scroll forward one window.
Ctrl + B - Scroll backward one window.
/pattern - Search foward in the file for the first line containing the pattern.
?pattern - Search backward in the file for the first line containing the pattern.
n - Repeat the search.
q - Quit.
Clear the data buffer. Data buffering must be enabled in the CAS Profile or the port and the user
must be authorized for data buffer management.
--:- <serial_port_ID> cli-> cleandbuf
Clear the data logging for the appliance. Appliance Session Data logging must be enabled in the
global_settings/sessions level.
--:- units cli -> cleandbuf overview/appliance_data_logging
Configures the IP parameters for the Eth0 interface. Shows the current configuration and asks for
new values for the following parameters:
• Status of the interface (enabled or disabled)
• IPv4 method (dhcp or static)
• IPv6 method (dhcp or static)
• IP address, mask and gateway (if static is chosen for either of the previous parameters)
• DNS Primary Server, Secondary Server, Domain Name and Hostname
After setting all parameters, confirm that all parameters are correct to save them.