20 Cyclades ACS 6000 Advanced Console Server Command Reference Guide
View Information About the Console Server and Connected
When a regular user or an administrator enters show at the Topology level, information about the
following appears in the format shown in Table 2.2:
• The console server
• The AUX/Modem port (if it is enabled and configured with the Dial-In Profile)
• The serial ports that user is authorized to access (if they are configured with the CAS or Power
Table 2.2: Topology Parameters
Field Description
For Appliance
Name Name assigned to the appliance (for example, ACS6048-1357908642)
Port N/A
Type N/A
Status N/A
Action N/A
For Serial Port
Name Either the default name [XX-XX-XX-p-n (where n=port_number)], an administrator-
assigned alias or an auto-discovered server name
Port Number of the serial port
Type Serial
Status Idle / In-Use
Action Connect
For Power
Name PDU ID (either the default name in the format XX-XX-XXPXX_n or an administrator-
assigned alias, such as myPDU)
Port Number of the serial port/position on the chain
Type PDU model
Status Number of Outlets ON | Total outlets
Action None