
signal. The difference between these signals—
the error—is amplied and used to actuate either
of two electronic motor power switches. These
switches drive the motor in the proper direction
to force the error to zero. The input signal is
adjustable from 50% to 400% of the 4 volt span,
with the zero adjustable from -100 to +275% of
The ESR-4 permits two or more Beck drives
to be operated by a single signal source, for
series, parallel, or split range operation. See
page 15 for details on these control options.
The ESR-4 board requires a feedback signal
source. Either the Contactless Position Sensor
(CPS-2) or a Film Potentiometer can be provided
for this purpose. The CPS-2, with a monitor /
isolator board, produces an isolated position
feedback signal for the ESR-4 board. The
Monitor function monitors the CPS-2 position
signal and compares it to established limits. If
the output exceeds normal signal conditions,
the monitor relay contact opens. This relay may
be used for either a remote signal indication
or activation of Loss of Signal operation of the
The CPS-2 provides a continuous feedback
signal proportional to the position of the drive’s
output shaft. It is used for remote position
indication as well as for automatic control loop
feedback to the Electronic Signal Receiver
(ESR-4). When used with the ESR-4, the CPS-2
includes a monitor / isolator board that delivers
an isolated position feedback signal to the
Electronic Signal Receiver (ESR-4). The Monitor
function monitors the CPS-2 position signal and
compares it to established limits. If the output
exceeds normal signal conditions, the monitor
relay contact opens. This relay may be used for
either a remote signal indication or activation of
Loss-of-Signal operation of the drive.
The position sensing function of the CPS-2 is
provided by a ferrite magnetic sensing element
consisting of two parts: A ferrite stator mounted
on the CPS-2 circuit board and a ferrite rotor
mounted on the control shaft, driven by the Beck
drive’s output shaft through the Calibar assembly.
The electronic circuit translates the signal from
the ferrite magnetic sensor into an analog
position feedback signal designed to interface
with electronic control systems and indicating