
Figure 11
The basic span adjustment of the ESR-4 is
2 volts to 6 volts dc. This is adjustable with the
20 turn span potentiometer. To make the span
adjustable from 2 to 9.5 volts dc, remove resistor
R4. To make the span adjustable from 9.5 to 16
volts dc, remove R4 and cut jumper wire J-1. To
make the span adjustable from 12 to 16 V dc,
remove R4 and J1. See Figure 11, this page, for
location of R4 and J1.
Zero (Supp.)
The basic zero adjustment is -20% to 100%
of span. This is adjustable with the zero potentio-
meter. For 2-way split range applications,
remove resistor R35 to shift the zero adjustment
to 20% to 150% of span. For 3-way split range
operation, remove resistors R35 and R36 to
shift the zero adjustment to 150% to 275%. For
other split range applications, consult factory for
adjustment. See Figure 11, this page, for location
of R35 and R36.
Filter Adjustment
The input filter is adjusted at the factory
for maximum attenuation of disturbances on
the input signal (fully CW). This introduces
a 1% drift (with 4” travel at 16 sec./in. timing)
in response to a loss of input signal when
stay-in-place is selected. If this is objectionable
or if livelier response is desired, the lter action
can be reduced by turning the lter adjustment
potentiometer CCW a sufcient amount. Full
CCW takes the ltering out completely, but in
some cases may lead to undesirable cycling. If
this happens, turn the adjustment CW until the
cycling is damped out.
Deadband Adjustment
The ESR deadband values of 0.6% for CPS-2
or lm potentiometer operation are chosen to
satisfy the requirements of most control systems.
If excessive process and / or signal noise is
present, the drive may be subject to unnecessary
cycling. It is recommended that excessive noise
be reduced at the source in order to prevent
12. Repeat steps 10 and 11 until satised with
adjustment. Reinstall the input signal wires,
remove the test box (if used), close the
compartment covers and tighten cover bolts
to 10 lb-ft torque.
unnecessary cycling. This will improve process
control and prolong component life.
If it is not possible to eliminate the excessive
noise, the drive’s deadband can be widened;
however, this will reduce the resolution of the
drive. Widening the deadband to 1% can be
accomplished by removing resistor R39. Further
change of the deadband is possible—please
contact the factory for details.
See Figure 11, this page, for the location of
R39. Higher gains (reduced deadbands) are also
possible with the ESR-4. Consult your factory
representative for details.
If the input signal drops below a predetermined
value, the L.O.S. feature is activated. The
standard factory setting of this feature is
approximately 13% of the signal span below the
minimum signal value. For example, if the input
signal is 4–20 mA, 13% of that 16 mA span is
2.08 mA. Therefore, the L.O.S. trip point would
be 1.92 mA (4.0 mA minus 2.08 mA). If the input
signal is 1–5 V, 13% of that 4 V span is 0.52 V.
Therefore, the L.O.S. trip point would be 0.48 V
(1.0 V minus 0.52 V).
If it is necessary to change the L.O.S. trip
point, this may be done by replacing resistors on
the ESR board. Consult the factory for details.