Regular maintenance is necessary to keep the electrical system in proper working order.
Check daily all electrical wires for cuts, broken wires, potential short circuits, and any
other damage.
Battery Care and Charging
The electric system is designed to provide power for a normal work shift. However, the
charge life of the battery pack depends on machine usage. Plan your work to prevent un-
necessary use of electrical power.
Since the power source for the machine is a battery, proper battery care is important. Re-
charge the battery after each work shift. When the machine is not being used, batteries
should be charged at least once a week. Normal battery charging time should be 10 to 12
hours. If the battery is extremely low, charging time may be as long as 24 hours.
Clean battery terminals monthly. Remove the cables from the battery, clean the battery
posts and cable ends to shiny metal, and replace. Always connect the insulated cable from
the starter solenoid to the positive post. Lubricate the outside of the connections with pe-
troleum jelly or grease.
Battery Charging Procedure
1. Connect an extension cord from a 110V AC 60 Hz outlet to the flush mount re-
ceptacle on the side of the Cougar Lift. The extension cord should be kept as
short and as large as possible to reduce voltage drop.
2. When there is power to the battery charger, a red “ON-CHARGING” LED on
the charger will be lit and the ammeter will display the rate of charge.
3. Once the battery voltage reaches a predetermined level programmed in the elec-
tronic control, the yellow “80% CHARGE” LED will illuminate.
4. 3-1/2 hours after the yellow “80% CHARGE” LED is lit, the charge will be
completed and the charger will automatically shut off. All LED’s will be unlit.
NOTE: If the battery voltage does not reach the 80% level within 14 hours, the
charger will shut off and the red “CHECK BATTERY” LED will illumi-
nate. This is to avoid prolonged charging of a defective battery that will
not properly recharge.
Before making or breaking connections between charger and battery, always re-
move the power cord from the 110 volt AC outlet. Always check the battery elec-
trolyte level and add water after charging the battery. For more information, refer
to the instructions supplied with the battery charger.
5. Unplug the extension cord from the flush mount receptacle on the side of the
Cougar Lift.