Hydraulic Cylinder Repair
Removing the hydraulic cylinder from the Cougar Lift requires major disassembly
of the unit. Contact Workforce before removing the hydraulic cylinder from the
unit for assistance.
Hydraulic Cylinder Removal
It is recommended that Workforce be contacted for assistance before removing the hy-
draulic cylinder.
1. Be sure cylinder is completely retracted and pressure is released from the sys-
tem. Place a pan underneath the hydraulic cylinder to catch the hydraulic oil.
2. Disconnect the hydraulic hose from the bottom of the cylinder and drain the hy-
draulic oil. Remove the two bolts, washers, and nuts securing the bottom of the
cylinder to the base.
3. Remove the plexiglass cover from the base.
4. Remove the mounting bolt, washer, and nut securing the top of the hydraulic cyl-
inder to the lower mast.
5. Disconnect the two lift chains from the base mast.
6. Using a crane with at least one ton of lifting capacity, lift the lower mast section
high enough to remove the clamp securing the cylinder to the base, and remove
the cylinder from the unit.
7. After maintenance has been performed on the hydraulic cylinder, follow the re-
moval procedure in reverse to reinstall the cylinder in the unit.
Hydraulic Cylinder Repair Procedure
Perform the following procedure to repair and maintain the hydraulic lift cylinder. Refer
to Figure 3-3.
1. Remove gland nut (4, Figure 3-7), washer (2), and rod packing rings (3) from the
cylinder jacket (1).
2. Remove cylinder rod (6) and wear ring (7). Inspect piston rod (6) and wear ring
(7) for gouges, scratches, and wear. Replace if necessary. Wear ring is installed
in the grooves at the bottom of the piston rod.
3. Clean inside the cylinder jacket (1).
4. Place piston rod (6) and wear ring (7) back into cylinder jacket (1) and insert
washer (2).
5. Grease rod packing rings (3) on the inside and outside diameters. Reinstall one
rod packing ring at a time, making sure each rod packing ring lies flat on the ring
prior to it.