8.2 Manuals. The operator shall be aware that the operating safety manuals, including
the manual that defines the responsibilities of dealers, owners, lessors, lessees, users, and
operators are stored on the aerial platform and the location where they are stored. The
operator shall be familiar with the manuals stored on the aerial platform and consult them
when questions arise with respect to the aerial platform.
8.3 Prestart Inspection. Before use each day or at the beginning of each shift, the aerial
platform shall be given a visual inspection and functional test including but not limited to
the following: (1) Operating and emergency controls (2) Safety devices (3) Personal
protective devices, including fall protection (4) Air, hydraulic, and fuel system leaks (5)
Cables and wiring harness (6) Loose or missing parts (7) Tires and wheels (8) Placards,
warnings, and control markings (9) Outriggers, stabilizers, and other structures (10)
Guardrail system (11) Items specified by the manufacturer.
8.4 Problems or Malfunctions. Any problems or malfunctions that affect the safety of
operations shall be repaired prior to the use of the aerial platform.
8.5 Training. The operator shall have been trained either on the same model of aerial
platform or one having operating characteristics and controls consistent with the one to be
used during actual work site operation. The operator trainee shall operate the aerial
platform in an area free of obstructions under the direction of the qualified person for a
time sufficient to determine that the trainee displays proficiency in knowledge and actual
operation of the aerial platform. Only properly trained and authorized personnel shall be
permitted to operate the aerial platform.
8.6 Before Operation. Before being authorized to operate the aerial platform, the
operator shall have: (1) Been instructed by a qualified person in the intended purpose and
function of each of the controls (2) Read and understood the manufacturer's/owner's
operating instructions and safety rules, or been trained by a qualified person on the
contents of the manufacturer's/owner's operating instructions and safety rules (3)
Understood by reading or by having a qualified person explain all decals, warnings, and
instructions displayed on the aerial platform.
8.7 Workplace Inspection. Before the aerial platform is used and during use, the
operator shall check the area in which the aerial platform is to be used for possible
hazards such as, but not limited to: (1) Drop-offs or holes (2) Bumps and floor
obstructions (3) Debris (4) Overhead obstructions and high voltage conductors (5)
Hazardous locations (6) Inadequate surface and support to withstand all load forces
imposed by the aerial platform in all operating configurations (7) Wind and weather
conditions (8) Other possible unsafe conditions.
8.8 During Operation. The aerial platform shall be used in accordance with this
standard. The operator shall ensure the following before each elevation of the platform:
(1) That the aerial platform is operated on a surface within the limits specified by the
manufacturer (2) That the outriggers, stabilizers, extendable axles, or other stability
enhancing means are used as required by the manufacturer (3) That the guardrails are
installed and access gates or openings are closed per manufacturer's instructions (4) That
the load and its distribution on the platform and any platform extensions are in
accordance with the manufacturer's rated capacity for that specific configuration (5) That
there is adequate clearance from overhead obstructions (6) That the minimum safe
approach distances (MSAD) to energized power lines and parts, as listed in Table One,
are maintained. See Figure 2 for examples of safe operating procedures (7) That he or
she and all other personnel on the platform are wearing fall protection devices and other
safety gear as required at all times (see 4.9.5).
8.9 Determination of Hazardous Locations. It shall be the responsibility of the user to
determine the hazard classification of any particular atmosphere or location according to
8.9.1 Hazardous Location Operating Requirements. Aerial platforms operated in
hazardous locations shall be approved and of the type required by ANSI/NFPA 505.