VideoJet 8008 / VideoJet 8004 | Installation and Operating Manual
EN | 149
Bosch Security Systems | 2006-07 | V1.5 Appendix
MPEG-4 A further development of MPEG-2 designed for transmitting
audiovisual data at very low transfer rates (for example over the
Net mask A mask that explains which part of an IP address is the network
address and which part is the host address. It is usually written
in dotted decimal notation, for example “”
Parameters Values used for configuration
QCIF Quarter CIF, video format with 176 × 144/120 pixels
RFC 868 A protocol for synchronizing computer clocks over the Internet
RS232/RS422/RS485 Standards for serial data transmission
RTP Realtime Transport Protocol; a transmission protocol for
real-time video and audio
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol; a protocol for network
management, for managing and monitoring network components
Subnet mask See Net mask
TCP Transfer Control Protocol
Telnet Login protocol with which users can access a remote computer
(Host) on the Internet
TTL Time-To-Live; life cycle of a data packet in station transfers
UDP User Datagram Protocol
URL Uniform Resource Locator
UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair
WAN See Wide area network
Wide area network A long distance link used to extend or connect remotely located
local area networks