VideoJet 8008 / VideoJet 8004 | Installation and Operating Manual
EN | 45
Bosch Security Systems | 2006-07 | V1.5 Configuration using a Web browser
All modifications result in the reorganization of the partition and the loss of
all sequences on this partition.
Consequently, you should back up all important sequences on the com-
puter's hard drive.
Partition name:
You can enter a new name for the partition.
Video input:
The number of the associated video input and the stream used for the recording
are displayed here. The numbering is the same as the labeling of the video
inputs on the rear panel of the unit.
On Dual Streaming compatible units, stream 2 is always used for the re-
Type of recording:
Select the required recording type.
In the case of Ring mode the recording proceeds continuously. If the maximum
hard drive space has been reached, the oldest recordings are automatically
In the case of
Linear mode
the recording proceeds until the entire hard drive
space is full. The recording is then stopped until old recordings have been deleted.
Video recording:
The recording format is displayed here for information.
Recording profile:
Select the profile that is to be active during recording. You can view and modify
the properties for the profiles (see Encoder settings, from page 34).
The recording profile can differ from the standard setting Active profile for
the video input set and is only used during an active recording.