D1265 | Owner's Manual | Part I: Security System Basics
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 9/10 | F01U169130-02 11
Fire Alarms
Fire alarms are the highest priority events. When a fire
point activates, your keypad emits a pulsating high-
pitched fire tone. Evacuate all occupants and
investigate for smoke or fire. Ensure that all occupants
know the difference between the burglary tone and the
fire tone. The tone sounds for the time set by your
security company.
The keypad display shows the point text of the first
point that went into fire alarm and shows the message
Enter Passcode and ENTER key to silence.
Silencing Fire Alarms
Entering a personal passcode with the proper authority
level silences a fire alarm and disarms the system if it
was armed.
The system now shows *Alarm Silenced* and then
the number of points in alarm (# FIRE ALARMS) and
then the area text appears (AREA 1 NAME TEXT)
followed by the custom text of all the points in alarm
(for example, SMOKE DETECTOR), in the order of
If there is more than one point causing an alarm, the
display shows each point for 3 sec before showing the
next one.
When the last alarm is shown, the next display is the
first alarm.
Your system might be programmed so that you cannot
silence some fire alarms until the fire event clears.
The *Alarm Silenced* message continues to alternate
with idle text as a reminder that it is still possible to
view the text of the points in alarm by using the View
Alarm Memory function (refer to View Alarm Memory
(CMD + 4 + 0) on page 23 for more information.
To clear the event memory and remove the *Alarm
Silenced* message from the display, press the Clear
Display button.
The display shows the instructions for clearing the
message. Enter a valid passcode and press the Clear
If a fire trouble still exists, the *Alarm Silenced*
display will not be cleared. To remove this display, the
fire point(s) must be returned to normal.
If you have not cleared the *Alarm Silenced* display
and wish to review cleared events, use CMD 40.