D1265 | Owner's Manual | Part III: Advanced Commands
54 Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 9/10 | F01U169130-02
Add/Change Card
1. Pressing the Card button allows you to
add/change a user’s access card or credential.
2. The display changes to either one of the
following depending on if an access card exists
for the user:
User 123 Add Access Card for this user - if no
access card exists for that user.
Pressing the Yes button jumps to Step 3.
Pressing the No button jumps to the
Add/Change Level screen.
User 123 Change this user’s Access Card - if
an access card already exists for this user and
you wish to change it. (In both cases, 123 is
used as an example).
Pressing the Yes button jumps to Step 3.
Pressing the No button jumps to Add/Change
3. If a card reader is connected to your system, the
display changes to Present card to card
reader now.
If the display changes to D9210 not ready,
contact your security company.
Pressing the Exit button exits from this function
and returns the display to idle text.
4. If the card you are trying to add to the system
already exists, an error tone sounds and the
display changes to Card already exists. Please
try again.
Then the display returns to Present card to
card reader now.
5. If the card is accepted, the display changes to
either Card added or Card changed if the
card already exists in your system.
Pressing the Next button exits from this
function and returns the display to
Add/Change Level.
Add/Change Sub-User ID
For each user in the control panel with access control,
there can be up to four access cards; one Master User
(assigned in the Card prompt) and up to three sub-
1. Pressing the Sub-User button allows you to
add/change a user’s Sub-User access card or
2. The display changes to Add/Change Sub-User
IDs to add or change any of this user’s sub-user
Pressing the Yes button jumps to Step 3.
Pressing the No button jumps to Add/Change
3. The display changes to Select Sub-User. Do
one of the following:
Press the Sub-User 1 button to add or change
sub-user 1.
Press the Sub-User 2 button to add or change
sub-user 2.
Press the Sub-User 3 button to add or change
sub-user 3.
Press the Exit button to return to the main Add
/ Change User display.
4. If adding or changing a sub-user and a card
reader is connected to your system, the display
changes to Add (or Change) Sub-User 1:
Present card to card reader now.
If the display changes to D9210 not ready,
contact your security company.
If 20 sec elapse without pressing a button the
display returns to idle text. Pressing the Exit
button exits from this function and returns the
display to the main Add / Change User
5. If the card you are trying to add to the system
already exists, an error tone sounds and the
display changes to Card already exists. Please
try again.
If 20 sec elapse without pressing a button
returns the display to idle text. Pressing the Exit
button exits from this function and returns the
display to the main Add / Change User
Press the Exit button to exit from this function
and return the display to idle text.