D9412G/D7412G | Program Entry Guide | 4.0 RADXPNTS EN | 88
Bosch Security Systems | 1/04 | 47775E
P## Bypassable
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
Yes This point can be bypassed and force
This point cannot be bypassed or force
armed from the command center or
RAM. However, it can be force armed
by automatic arming at the end of the
Closing Window (see the
A# Auto
prompt in Section 2.9.5
Open/Close Options) or by a Sked
programmed to arm the area.
Use this option to allow this point to be bypassed
and/or force armed.
Bypassing a 24-hour point: When a 24-hour point
or 24-hour Supervisory point is bypassed, 24 HOUR
BYPASS continuously scrolls at the command
center. 24 HOUR BYPASS scrolls to indicate a 24-
hour Non-fire point,
P## Fire No
is bypassed. FIRE
BYPASS scrolls to indicate a 24-hour Fire point or a
Fire Supervisory point is bypassed.
Alternative to a 24-hour Point: For alarm
capability of a 24-hour point without the
continuous scrolling, use a Perimeter
point with a Point Response of 9 to E.
A point can be bypassed at the command
center using the BYPASS? function,
which reports as a Command Bypass.
When bypassed by Sked Function 3, the
report is Sked Bypass. When bypassed by
RAM a RAM Bypass reports after RAM
disconnects. When swinger shunted, a
Swinger Shunt is reported. If the point is
not bypassable, it cannot be bypassed in
any of the above cases.
Programming Bypassable as Yes for
Cross points may cause missed Cross-
Point alarms. For example, if Points 1 and
2 were programmed as Cross points and
Point 1 was Bypassed or Force Armed,
Point 2 cannot generate an Alarm Cross
Point Event. Point 2 may, however,
generate an Unverified or Alarm Event
depending on how the point was tripped.
Be careful when using this feature with
Cross point applications.
P## Swinger Byps
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
Yes Enable Swinger Bypass for this point.
No Disable Swinger Bypass for this point.
Use this option to allow the control panel to
automatically bypass a point that erroneously reports
four Alarm or Trouble Events within an hour of the
first event.
The control panel reports a Swinger Bypass P###
upon the fourth report. If the point has a partial
count (less than four events during an hour), the
count is reset to zero and three more events are
required upon the next report before the control
panel initiates the bypass.
P## Bypassable does not need to be
programmed Yes for swinger bypass to
A Swinger Shunted point returns to the
system if P## BP Returnable? is Yes. If
not, return the point to the system as
described in the application note for P##
BP Returnable.
P## Report Bypass at Occurrence
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
Send a Command Bypass Report at
the time the point is bypassed.
No Do not send a Command Bypass
Report at the time the point is
This option allows a point to generate a Command
Bypass Report as soon as a user bypasses the point
from the command center. This option should be
enabled for all Bypassable 24-hour points. You may
also elect to report a bypassed point at the time the
area is armed. See
P## Defer BP Report