D9412G/D7412G | Program Entry Guide | 4.0 RADXPNTS EN | 89
Bosch Security Systems | 1/04 | 47775E
P## Defer BP Report
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
Yes Send a Point Bypass Report with the
Closing Report instead of a Command
Bypass Report when a user bypasses
the point.
No Do not defer Bypass Reports.
Use this option to prevent (
P## Type 0 to F
) points
that are bypassed by the user (COMMAND
BYPASS) from occurring until the area is armed.
Once the area is armed, the bypassed points and any
point being bypassed during the arming sequence
report as POINT BYPASS along with the Closing
Bypass Reports do not occur when arming
the area if the Closing Report is
suppressed by O/C Windows or are not
Bypass Reports for 24-hour points do not
report If P## Report Bypass at
Occurrence and P## Defer Bypass
Report are both No.
To report the bypass at occurrence and
when the area is armed, program P##
Report Bypass at Occurrence and P##
Defer Bypass Report as Yes. A
Command Bypass Report is sent as soon
as it occurs and a Point Bypass Report is
sent with the Closing Report.
P## Cross Point
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
Yes This point is a Cross point.
No This point is not a Cross point.
The Cross point function is available only
in Firmware revisions 6.30 and higher.
Do not use Cross points for Fire points.
The Cross point feature is available only on points
programmed as having an Instant point response.
Also, Controlled points (Point Types 1, 2 and 3) do
not follow the Cross point operation (described as
follows) during entry or exit delay.
The Cross point option is designed to reduce false
alarms. To achieve this, points can be programmed
so the control panel must see an alarm condition
within a programmed period of time (called Cross
Point Time) from at least two points within a Cross
Point Group before Cross Point Alarm Events are
generated. These points need the Cross point option
enabled in their corresponding point indexes to be
able to generate this event. See Section 6.8 Cross Point
Parameters for additional programming requirements
to program the Cross Point Timer.
Cross Point Groups were established in the D9412G
and D7412G to support the Cross Point function.
There are 31 Cross Point Groups in the D9412G
and ten in the D7412G. Each Cross Point Group
consists of eight points and is identified by the point
numbers in them (such as, Cross Points 1 to 8, Cross
Points 9 to 16, and so on).
The Cross point function only applies to
Alarm conditions. It does not apply to
Trouble or Supervisory conditions.