52 | en LTC 8600 | LTC 8800 Series
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. Instruction Manual F.01U.127.393 | 2.0 | 2009.03
For reference, the following table lists the Allegiant Series keyboard models and
the protocol supported by each:
• Switch 4 of S2
This switch allows the printer port on the rear of the main Allegiant bay to be
configured as an auxiliary console port when it is turned ON. See the descrip-
tion above regarding switch 2 for information on using an auxiliary console port.
The printer port has the same pin-out as the normal console port, so the con-
sole cable supplied with the optional LTC 8059/00 MCS package or with the
optional LTC 8850/00 GUI Software package may be used to interface with the
printer port when switch 4 is ON. Communication parameters (baud & hand-
shake) for the printer port can be set using a keyboard (see User Function 31),
or with the optional LTC 8059/00 MCS package or with the optional
LTC 8850/00 GUI Software package.
NOTE This feature can also be implemented via the PRT2CON CCL command using an
external PC, dumb terminal or other computing device. Refer to the Allegiant Com-
mand Console Language (CCL) manual for complete information about using CCL
• Switch 5 of S2
This switch controls the system security modes. When this switch is set to ON,
the system log-in features can be controlled using keyboard User Function 27
and User Function 28 (refer to the section on Keyboard User Functions for com-
plete information). Users with Priority 1 can access keyboard User Function 27
to select if the system keyboard log-in feature is enabled or disabled. When
enabled, the system keyboards require each user to log-in to the system and to
log-off the system. All users are required to enter a user number and the correct
password before the system permits interaction.
Users with Priority 1 can also access User Function 28 to select if the console
port log-in feature is enabled or disabled. When enabled, any external PC or
other computing device is required to log-in to the system and to log-off the sys-
tem. All users are required to enter a user number and the correct password
before the system permits interaction
If this switch is turned OFF or if the features are disabled using User Functions
27 and 28, the system keyboards and the console port are always online with
the system.
NOTE When changing from the no 'log-on' mode to the 'log-on' mode, all system keyboards
are initially 'logged-off'.
Keyboard model Supported protocols
TC8550KB 4 poll byte
TC8550KB-8 8 poll byte
TC8550 4 or 8 poll byte
TC8550A, TC8551A, TC8553 4, 6, or 8 poll byte
TC8554, TC8555 4, 6, or 8 poll byte
LTC 8553 Series 4, 6, or 8 poll byte
LTC 8555 Series 4, 6, or 8 poll byte
IntuiKey KBD-Universal 6 poll byte