LTC 8600 | LTC 8800 Series en | 61
F.01U.127.393 | 2.0 | 2009.03 Instruction Manual Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
16.7 Alarm Relay Response
Allegiant alarm responses include the ability to trigger isolated alarm relay outputs
from an LTC 8540/00 Alarm Interface unit. An alarm output is typically used to acti-
vate the alarm input of a security Digital Video Recorder (DVR) or other alerting
device. In this type of scenario, a DVR is programmed to change recording speeds
from a slower rate to a faster rate upon alarm activation. Operation of the relay out-
puts from the LTC 8540 Alarm Interface unit depends on the system configuration
for responding to alarm events. The alarm output relays behave according to the fol-
lowing conditions:
1. Relay 1 activates if the system uses the Basic alarm response mode and an
alarm occurs on any system monitor. Relay 1 deactivates after all alarms have
been removed from the inputs. Relay 1 also deactivates if the system (monitor
or alarms) is disarmed by an operator via the keyboard. Pressing [Acknowledge]
on the system keyboard does not deactivate Relay 1 since the alarm video fol-
lows the contact applied to the unit in this alarm response mode. Other relays
are not used in this mode.
2. Relay 1 activates if the base system is set to use the Sequence & Display alarm
response mode and an alarm occurs on any system monitor. Relay 1 deactivates
after all alarm videos have been acknowledged (by pressing the [Acknowledge]
key) via system operator(s) from all system monitors. Relay 1 also deactivates if
the system is disarmed (either the monitor or the alarm(s)) by an operator via
the keyboard. Removal of the alarm input does not deactivate Relay 1 since the
alarm video(s) are not dependent on duration of the contact applied to the unit
in this alarm response mode. Other relays are not used in this mode.
3. If the base system uses the Autobuild alarm response mode and an alarm
occurs on system monitors, the relay corresponding to the monitor number acti-
vates for the duration that the corresponding alarm input is applied to the unit.
The relay deactivates if the monitor associated with the relay or if the alarm(s)
being displayed on the monitor is disarmed by an operator via the keyboard.
Pressing [Acknowledge] on the system keyboard does not deactivate the relays
since the alarm video follows the contact applied to the unit in this alarm
response mode.
4. If the Alarm Group table screen, in the PC- based LTC 8059/00 MCS package or
the LTC 8850/00 GUI Software, contains an alarm group that includes monitors
and the monitor option has been selected in the Relay Action column, the corre-
sponding relay activates for the duration the alarm video remains on the moni-
tor. The relay deactivates if the associated monitor (or the alarm(s) being
displayed on the monitor) is disarmed by an operator via the keyboard. Pressing
[Acknowledge] on the system keyboard does not deactivate the relay unless this
feature has been selected for the associated alarm group. If the Monitor option
has been set to 1 in the group table, only Relay 1 activates when monitors in
that alarm group become alarmed.