Protocol Settings
Using a TCP/IP Network
On the TCP/IP Settings screen, press [IP Address Range
Settings] ➞ specify the following.
You need to set <RX/Print Range> if you are using the optional UFR II/PCL Printer
Kit, the optional PS Printer Kit, the optional Super G3 FAX Board, the optional
Super G3 Multi-Line FAX Board, or the optional Universal Send Kit.
You can maintain security by setting the range of IP addresses for computers that
can obtain access to the machine.
- Once you set the range of IP addresses of computers on which items for the
machine can be set or browsed, it is not possible to use the Remote UI on
computers whose IP addresses are not allowed; a utility on the computers cannot
be used to set or browse detailed information concerning the machine.
- Once you set the range of IP addresses of computers from which data (print/fax/
I-fax job) can be sent to the machine, the machine rejects data sent from
computers whose IP addresses are not allowed. (Optional equipment is required
to print or send a fax from a computer. For the equipment needed, see "Optional
Equipment and System Requirements," on p. 1-2.)
● If you do not want to restrict the IP addresses of computers from
which data (print/fax/I-fax job) can be sent to the machine:
<Apply Settings> of [Permit IP Address(es)] for <RX/Print Range>: [Off]
❑ <Apply Settings> of [Reject IP Address(es)] for <RX/Print Range>: [Off]