Setting Up a Computer for Printing/Sending a Fax
Using a TCP/IP Network
Mac OS X
Install the driver.
Install the driver according to the instructions in the manual for each driver.
• If you want to use the UFR II printer driver
See the
Mac UFR II Driver Guide
• If you want to use the PS printer driver
See the
Mac PS Driver Guide
• If you want to use a PS printer driver provided by Apple Computer, Inc.
For instructions on how to install the corresponding PPD file from Canon, see
Network Quick Start Guide
. For details about the PS printer driver, see the
documentation provided with your Macintosh.
The machine supports the LPD print application for printing over TCP/IP networks.
The following procedures are only examples. The setup procedures for your
environment may differ.
Log in to a workstation as a superuser ➞ set up the spooling
● Example using Solaris 1.x:
Add the following to the /etc/printcap file:
<Print queue name>|<comment>:\
● Example using Solaris 2.x:
Start the admintool utility ➞ click [Browse] ➞ [Printers] ➞ [Edit] ➞ [Add] ➞
[Access to Printer] ➞ in [Printer Name], enter the desired print queue name ➞
in [Print Server], enter the IP address or printer host name.
:lp=<device special file>:\
:sd=<spool directory>:\
:rm=<printer IP address or host name>: