AA ssmmaallll ffoooottpprriinntt iinn tthhee oofffificcee......aa ggiiaanntt lleeaapp iinn oofffificcee pprroodduuccttiivviittyy..
Canon designed the imageCLASS 2200 as an advanced digital
imaging system that can function as a stand-alone copier or as a
networked multifunction document-processing system, offering the
convenience of copying, network printing and faxing.* Either way,
it provides the reduced maintenance and superior reliability of
Canon’s EP-62 replaceable Single Cartridge technology. Now, more
businesses than ever can enjoy the productivity of several advanced
office machines in a fraction of the space, at a fraction of the cost.
In one space-saving design, you’ll be able to generate, duplicate
and communicate information faster and easier than ever before.
With the Canon imageCLASS 2200, you’ll spend less time running
from machine to machine, and more time running your business.
TThhee CCaannoonn DDiiggiittaall TTeecchhnnoollooggyy AAddvvaannttaaggeess..
SCAN-ONCE-PRINT-MANY. Faster and more efficient, Canon
digital technology allows originals to be scanned once and
stored in memory, greatly increasing productivity.
IMAGE QUALITY. With up to 600-dpi resolution, the
imageCLASS 2200 offers outstanding reproduction, faithful
to the original in every detail. Even difficult originals, such as
illustrations, photographs and textured drawings, reproduce
with superior image quality.
PRODUCTIVITY. Advanced copying features, plus built-in
expansion capabilities for networking, allow companies to
customize the system to their ever-changing needs.
YYoouu’’rree oonn aa ppaatthh ttoo tthhee ffuuttuurree——tthhee ssppeeeedd lliimmiitt iiss uupp ttoo yyoouu..
With the imageCLASS 2200, you’re able to configure the system
to meet your specific requirements. Thanks to its flexible modular
design, you can optimize your capabilities now, or expand them
as your business grows. Start with a 16-copy-per-minute, walk-up
digital copier. Then add network expansion boards and accessories
to make your workgroup more productive: a 50-page Automatic
Document Feeder, an additional 250-sheet universal Cassette Feeding
Module or Super G3 Facsimile Expansion Board. You can even enhance
your capabilities further with the MultiSpot
Network Printer option,
which includes NetSpot
Network Device Management Software.*
* May require optional equipment.
** Approximate 3-second-per-page fax transmission time based on ITU-T No. 1 Chart (MMR, Standard Mode) at 33.6 Kbps modem speed.
The PublicSwitched Telephone Network(PSTN) currently supports 28.8 Kbps modem speeds or lower, depending on telephone line conditions.
Source: Based on a study of V.34 phone bill savings prepared by Davidson Consulting, 1997.
Based on ITU-T No. 1 Chart (Standard Mode).
Digital Technology for any workplace.
Step up to the versatility of the imageCLASS
2200 from Canon.
It’s the expandable digital solution that’s powerful enough to give
any size workgroup the outstanding performance enhancements
of digital copying technology, yet flexible enough to incorporate
the productivity of networked document management now or
later—whenever your business is ready.