AAdddd SSuuppeerr GG33 TTeecchhnnoollooggyy aanndd wwaattcchh yyoouurr ccoosstt--ssaavviinnggss mmuullttiippllyy..
By adding the optional Facsimile Expansion Board, you’ll gain
the significant cost-saving advantages of high-speed Super G3
Fax technology. Transmitting documents at 33.6 Kbps
(approximately 3 seconds per page**), Super G3 technology
results in substantially reduced telephone line charges. So, a
typical high-volume user, for example, can save over $10,000
during a five-year period
if upgrading from an older, conven-
tional fax machine. What’s more, with 9MB of standard fax
memory, it will store up to 576 pages
for transmitting or
receiving documents.
IItt iissnn’’tt jjuusstt hhooww pprroodduuccttiivvee iitt iiss,, iitt’’ss hhooww pprroodduuccttiivvee iitt
mmaakkeess yyoouu..
Connected to your network, the imageCLASS 2200 makes
it easy to print images, up to 11" x 17," directly from your
computer while providing the ability to interface with the
entire workgroup. The MultiSpot
Network Printer Option,
operating in Windows
95/98 and Windows NT
4.0 environ-
ments, offers PCL
6 support, making it an excellent primary or
secondary network printer within the workgroup, delivering
true 600-dpi text and images. Designed for maximum output
quality and throughput speed, it prints 16 razor-sharp, letter-
sized pages per minute.
Bundled with the MultiSpot Network Printer Option is
Canon’s NetSpot
Network Device Management Software,
which provides every user with an intuitive interface to make
network device management simpler. Easy-to-follow “point-
and-click” screens enable users to interact with the devices
on the network directly from the desktop. With NetSpot,
you’ll be able to complete multiple tasks in minimal time,
such as confirming printer configurations or inquiring about
paper supply, job status, device features or system conditions.
Whichever platform you use, NetSpot offers a level of user-
friendly functionality not available from any other network
device-management software.
IImmaaggee ooff aa lleeaaddeerr..
As the leading producer of network-connected multifunction
devices in the industry, as well as America’s #1 black-and-
white Copier and #1 Laser Facsimile manufacturer, Canon
continues to set new standards for quality, performance and
reliability. That’s why you can trust Canon to provide you with
the solutions you need to make any workgroup more produc-
tive, and any business more competitive.