Managing the Address Book
Checking and Managing Functions
● To change the name of the subaddress book:
Click [Register Address Book Name].
❑ Enter the new name for the address book ➞ click [OK].
The name for [Address Book One-touch] cannot be changed.
● To store a new address in an unregistered one-touch button:
Click [Unregistered] of the desired one-touch button on the Address Book
One-touch screen.
You can also display the Register New Address screen by clicking the number
to the left of [Unregistered].
If you want to store one-touch buttons 013-200, click the List Number
drop-down list.
❑ Select the type of address that you want to store ➞ enter the necessary
information ➞ click [OK].
For more information on the various settings for the different types of addresses,
see Chapter 10, "Storing/Editing Address Book Settings," in the Sending and
Facsimile Guide.