Specifying Forwarding Settings
Customizing Settings
Click the Receive Type drop-down list ➞ select the receiving
If you select [All], all the forwarding settings stored in the machine are displayed.
The types of receiving modes that can be selected vary depending on the optional
equipment attached to the machine.
● To add a new forwarding condition:
Click [ ] (Add New Conditions) on the Forwarding Settings screen.
❑ Specify the necessary fields ➞ click [OK].
Details of each item are shown below.
Receive Type: Select Fax or I-Fax for the receiving mode.
Condition Name: Enter a name for the forwarding condition. If you
select the [Enable This Forwarding Condition] check
box, this forwarding condition will be enabled.
Forwarding Conditions: The settings here enable you to specify the forwarding
conditions that the received documents must meet in
order to be forwarded.
Forwarding Destination:To specify an address from the Address Book, click
[Select from Address Book] ➞ click [Address Book] ➞
select the desired address from the displayed list ➞
click [OK].
If you want to forward documents to a Confidential Fax
Inbox, click [Select from Confidential Fax Box] ➞ click
the Confidential Fax Inbox drop-down list ➞ select the
desired Confidential Fax Inbox to forward documents