When you are ready to print on transparencies, open your
document withing your software application and define any
special print options you can from within your print driver.
For example, if you are using Windows, you can specify
the Paper Size, Media Type, Paper Source, Print Selection,
and Print Quality from within the printer driver.
Once your software and driver are ready to print, you can
set up the printer for auto feed or manual feed. Both
methods are described earlier in this chapter.
Follow these guidelines when automatically feeding stacks
of special paper.
§ When automatically feeding transparencies, remove each sheet
after it is delivered. Do not allow transparencies to stack up in
paper output tray.
§ Let the printed transparencies dry completely before storing them. The complete
drying time required for Canon's transparencies is approximately 15 minutes.
§ When a transparency has dried completely, cover its printed side with a sheet of
plain (not coated) paper before stroing it; this is recommended even if you place
the transparency in a clear file.
Printing on Envelopes
You can stack up to 15 envelopes in the sheet feeder or you
can manually feed envelopes one at a time.