2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR2200/iR2800/iR3300 REV.0 MAR. 2001
7-19 T
8) Select the files for the version in question of the Service Support Tool from ‘list of soft-
ware’; then, click ‘Start’ to start downloading.
9) See the progress bar, which indicates the progress of downloading.
Take full care so that the machine and the PC will not be turned off while
downloading is taking place. Otherwise, they may fail to start up.
10) When downloading ends, turn off the PC by making the following selections: OK>To
Unit Selection Screen>OK>To Main Menu>Ending the Service Support Tool>End.
1.4.4 After Downloading
1) Turn off the machine’s main power switch, and disconnect the power plug.
2) Turn off the PC.
3) Disconnect the network cable (cross cable) and the PC from the machine.
4) If a network cable is connected, connect it to the correct location, and turn on the
machine’s main power switch.
5) When the machine has started up, start service mode, and check the version of the