Essentials Workflow Composer
Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE Essentials includes the Workflow Composer component to
enable users and administrators to create custom workflows that automate redundant tasks
and provide integration with back-end systems via connectors. Administrators are able to
create workflows for users to reduce errors when sending documents and limit access to only
designated individuals for operations that interact with back-end systems.
TTrruusstteedd PPllaattffoorrmm MMoodduullee
Every imageRUNNER ADVANCE system includes a Trusted Platform Module (TPM),
a tamper-resistant open standards security chip that is responsible for encrypting and
decrypting information such as passwords, certificates, IDs and cryptographic keys. TPM
protects information on the internal hard disk drive by storing the encryption key in a separate
location. Once enabled, the device will not launch if the TPM chip is removed to protect against
physical attacks.
TTPPMM ffuunnccttiioonnaalliittyy iiss ddiissaabblleedd bbyy ddeeffaauulltt.. TThhee ffeeaattuurree ccaann bbee eennaabblleedd o
onn CCaannoonn iimmaaggeeRRUUNNNNEERR
AADDVVAANNCCEE ddeevviicceess wwiitthhiinn tthhee AAddddiittiioonnaall FFuunnccttiioonnss mmeennuu.. OOnnccee eennaabblleedd,, iitt iiss iimmppoorrttaanntt ttoo bbaacckk
uupp tthhee TTPPMM kkeeyy iinn tthhee eevveenntt ooff ffaaiilluurree tthhrroouugghh UUSSBB mmeemmoorryy..
Data in Transit
Encrypted Secured Print
Encrypted Secured Print utilizes strong AES 256 bit encryption to protect your print job data
while in transmission over the network. To protect print jobs from being output at the device
unattended, the Encrypted Secured Print feature holds the job in a queue until the
user-defined password is entered on the control panel.
Encrypted PDF
The Encrypted PDF feature of imageRUNNER ADVANCE systems support 40-bit/128-bit RC4
encryption and 128-bit AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) for greater security when sending
documents. When sending a 128-bit AES encrypted PDF, Acrobat 7.0 or later is required to open
the file.
FFoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn,, pplleeaassee rreeffeerr ttoo tthhee
DDooccuummeenntt SSeeccuurriittyy
sseeccttiioonn,, uunnddeerr
IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn SSeeccuurriittyy
White Paper: Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE Security
Section 3 – Information Security