
The following describes the various Base access levels (roles) that are available:
The following functions and features can be restricted:
White Paper: Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE Security
Section 2 — Device Security
Privileges by Access Level
Predefined Role Access Privileges
Administrator Given privileges to operate all device functions.
Network Manager/Admin Network manager mainly manages the settings related to the network under Settings/Registration.
Device Manager/Admin Device Manager can specify settings related to management settings for paper type and function settings for Send/Receive.
Power User Given privileges to operate all device functions, except managing the device itself.
General User Given privileges to operate all device functions, except managing the devise itself and specifying/registering address book.
Limited User Restricted from device management, all send functions and only allowed 2-sided printing and copying.
Guest Restricted from device management, all send functions and only allowed 2-sided printing and copying.
Device Function Values Description
Print Allowed, Not Allowed Allows or prohibits using applications related to the Print function.
Copy Allowed, Not Allowed Allows or prohibitsusing applications related to the Copy function.
Send/Store on Network
Sets restrictions for externally sending scanned documents, user inbox documents,
and saving documents to file servers or networkstorage.
E-mail TX Allowed, Not Allowed Allows or prohibits sending via E-mail TX.
I-Fax TX Allowed, Not Allowed Allows or prohibits sending via I-FaxTX.
Fax TX Allowed, Not Allowed Allows or prohibits sending via FaxTX.
FTP TX Allowed, Not Allowed Allows or prohibits sending via FTP TX.
NetWare (IPX) TX Allowed, Not Allowed Allows or prohibits sending via NetWare (IPX) TX.
Windows (SMB) TX Allowed, Not Allowed Allows or prohibits sending via Windows (SMB) TX.
WebDAV TX Allowed, Not Allowed Allows or prohibits sending via WebDAV TX.
InboxTX Allowed, Not Allowed Sets restrictions for saving scanned documents to user inboxes.
Specify Address Domain/Send
to Addresses Received from
Cell Phone
Allowed, Not Allowed
For imageRUNNER ADVANCE devices, these restrictions also apply to addresses
received from cell phones.
Use Address Book/Register
Storage Location for Network
No Restrictions, Not
Allowed, Read-Only
For imageRUNNER ADVANCE devices, these restrictions also apply to registering,
editing, and deleting network storage.
Send to New Addresses/Send
to Addresses Received from
Cell Phone
Allowed, Not Allowed
For imageRUNNER ADVANCE devices, these restrictions also apply to addresses
received from cell phones.
Add Device Signature to
Sending Files
Added, Not Added Allows or prohibits adding of a device signature when sending PDF files.
Sending Files Format Allowed, Not Allowed Allows or prohibits sending file formats that a device signature cannot be added to.
Save Functions
(Mailbox/Hold/Memory Media)
Allowed, Not Allowed Allows or prohibits saving functions.
Web Access Allowed, Not Allowed Allows or prohibits using applications related to the Web Access function.
Utility Allowed, Not Allowed Allows or prohibits using applications related to Utilities.
Others Allowed, Not Allowed Allows or prohibits using other applications.
MEAP Applications Allowed, Not Allowed Allows or prohibits the use of MEAP applications.
* Requires SSO-H to be enabled.