Model User-Definable Pins
Control/Status Port A
User-Definable Pins
Control/Status Port B
8i 16 2
TH20 24 2
SR 1212 16 2
SR 1212A 16 2
Default Pin Assignments
For default pin assignments for Control/Status ports by model, refer to Appendix B.
Control/Status Ports
Control/Status A and B ports are female DB25 connectors used for General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)
interactions between Converge/Converge Pro devices and external control devices such as wall switches and push-
to-talk microphones. Control programming enables external control devices and controller software to access the
Converge/Converge Pro serial command set, including common functions such as volume control, muting, room
combining, and running presets.
For more information on Control/Status Port A and B and other physical connections, see Controls and
Control/Status Pin Programming
Use the following procedure to program user-definable pins:
In the 1. Control/Status Pin Select section of the screen, select port A or B from the Control Port drop-down
2. Select the pin you want to configure from the Selected Pin drop-down list. (Pin 1 is selected by default for
Control Port A and Pin 21 is selected by default for Control Port B.)
3. In the Control Pin State section of the screen, press the Active (Low) Command or Inactive (High)
Command button to select the pin state that you want to associate a command with.