MODEL – Model Identification Label
This command selects/reports the model identification label of the specified channel.
Command Form: DEVICE MODEL <Channel> <Group> <Reserved>[Value]
Argument Type Size Values Units
Channel Channel 1 See Groups and Channels
Group Group 1 1, 2, 3, 7
(I, O, M, L)
Reserved Unsigned
2 0
Label String 16 1-16 characters
CLEAR = clear the label
(Null to query in text)
MTRX – Matrix Routing
This command selects/reports the matrix routing of an input to an output.
Command Form: DEVICE MTRX <Src. Ch.> <Src. Gp.> <Dest. Ch.> <Dest. Gp.> [Value]
Argument Type Size Values Units
Source Channel Channel 1 See Groups and Channels
Source Group Group 1 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 12, 17
(I, M, P, E, L, F, R)
Destination Channel Channel 1 See Groups and Channels
Destination Group Group 1 2, 5, 6, 12, 16, 20
(H, J, O, P, E, F, T, B)
Value Unsigned Integer 4 0 = Cross point off
1 = Cross point on (Not Valid for Mic
2 = Toggle (Not Valid for Mic Sources)
3 = Non Gated (Mic Sources Only)
4 = Gated (Mic Sources Only)
5 = Pre-AEC (Mic Sources Only)
6 = Routing Prohibited (Cross point is
off and may not be turned on)
(Null to query in text)
MTRXCLEAR – Clear Matrix
Clears the ENTIRE matrix for the unit. There is no query for this command.
No Arguments