
Maintenance & Specifications
The following information will help you keep your PowerTap SL2.4 running properly.If you are
not familiar with hub maintenance please consult a professional
bicycle mechanic before servicing.
DDuurriinngg tthhee ccoouurrssee ooff aannyy rreeppaaiirr ddoo nnoott
rreemmoovvee tthhee ttoorrqquuee ttuubbee.. TThheerree aarree nnoo uusseerr sseerrvviicceeaabbllee
ppaarrttss iinnssiiddee.. SSppeecciiaall ttoooollss aarree rreeqquuiirreedd ffoorr rre
eaasssseemmbbllyy aanndd ccaalliibbrraattiioonn.. IIff pprroobblleemmss aarree ssuussppeecctteedd
ccoonnttaacctt SSaarriiss CCyycclliinngg GGrroouupp..
The power measuring components inside the PowerTap SL2.4 are highly complex and should
only by serviced by Saris Cycling Group.The bearings are sealed type 6901RS and do not require
replacement.Field replacement can cause permanent damage to the power measuring electron-
ics and result in compromised sealing and performance.If bearing problems are suspected
please contact Saris Cycling Group at 1-800-783-7257 for a return authorization.The PowerTap
SL2.4 uses a modern 4 bearing design and does not require any tensioning adjustment.
The grease in the freehub pawls should be replaced if it becomes contaminated with water.
Replace the seal at the same time,contact Saris Cycling Group for replacement parts.Saris
Cycling Group recommends the following types of grease to ensure proper functioning:
-Kluber Isoflex NB52 o
-Dupont Krytox GPL226
Warning:Failure to use the proper grease on the freehub pawls could result in engagement
-See Figure 28 for illustrations
-Use 5mm hex wrench and 17mm bike wrench and remove both end nuts from the axle.
-Remove the axle
-Remove the freehub and spacers.
-Remove all old grease from the freehub ratchet ring.