System Overview cont.
The PowerTap SL2.4 hub is compatible with Shimano 8,9, and 10 speed systems or Campagnolo
8,9, and 10 speed systems.Freehub bodies may be interchanged. Reference FREEHUB
REPLACEMENT for further instructions.
The PowerTap is available in 130mm and 135mm axle lengths. Only insert the correctly spaced
PowerTap hub into your frame. For example,only use a 130mm-spaced hub in a 130mm road
frame.Do not force the hub into any frame.Doing so may cause failure of the frame,hub,or both,
and will void the warranty.Contact your dealer or Saris Cycling Group to address any special
compatibility concerns.
Contact a wheel building professional or dealer for assistance in building the PowerTap SL2.4
wheel if not purchased as a complete wheel.
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Due to the design of the hub,the load pattern is not the same as
a conventional hub.Slotting the hub flanges to accommodate bladed spokes is not recommend-
ed and will void the warranty. Complete wheel building hub dimensions are listed in TABLE 2.
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TABLE 2 - Wheel Building Dimensions