Chapter 3 Operating Principles | PCI-DMC-A01 / PCI-DMC-B01
3-120 Revised March, 2012
1) Card initialization:
Click on the “Open card” button to start card initialization.
For a detailed description of card initialization, please refer to Section 3.1.2 - 1)
Open card.
2) Card number, Slave number and Timer setting:
Figure 3.157
Card num item: Display number of cards.
Slave num item: Display number of slaves.
Timer Checkbox: Check to display the motion status. Uncheck to disable display.
3) Speed Continue parameter setting:
Figure 3.158
S.CEnable checkbox: Check this to enter Speed Continue mode and execute the
following setting:
rt = _DMC_01_speed_continue(gDMCCardNo,gpNodeID[0], 0, flag);
//flag=1 means set as Speed Continue mode; flag=0 means cancel Speed Continue
S.CCombine Ratio item: Set Speed Continue Combine Percentage. Clicking on
“Set” button will execute the following setting:
rt = _DMC_01_speed_continue_combine_ratio(gDMCCardNo, gpNodeID[0], 0,
Ratio); //Ratio:Indicates the Speed Continue Combine Percentage (see 41.3 Speed
Continue API for details).
S.C Mode item: Clicking on “S.C Mode” will execute the following settings.
rt = _DMC_01_speed_continue_mode(gDMCCardNo, gpNodeID[0], 0, Mode);
//Mode=0 set as Equivalent Acceleration mode
//Mode=1 set as Acceleration/Deceleration mode
//Mode=2 set as Maximum Velocity mode
//(Please refer to 41.2 Speed Continue API for details)