Chapter 4 Control API | PCI-DMC-A01 / PCI-DMC-B01
Revised March, 2012 4-9
_DMC_01_rm_04pi_md1_start_arc2 Perform 2-axis arc interpolation motion control
under RM04PI Mode 1
(Known conditions: Endpoint coordinates, angle)
_DMC_01_rm_04pi_md1_start_arc3 Perform 2-axis arc interpolation motion control
under RM04PI Mode 1
(Known conditions: Center point coordinates,
endpoint coordinates)
_DMC_01_rm_04pi_md1_start_heli Perform 3-axis spiral interpolation motion control
under RM04PI Mode 1
_DMC_01_rm_04pi_md1_p_change Replace current position value with new position
value under RM04PI Mode 1
_DMC_01_rm_04pi_md1_v_change Replace current velocity with new velocity value
under RM04PI Mode 1
_DMC_01_rm_04pi_md1_set_gear Enable and set Gear parameters under RM04PI
Mode 1
_DMC_01_rm_04pi_md1_set_soft_limit Enable/disable software limit under RM04PI Mode 1
Get current 4-axis software limit contact status
under RM04PI Mode 1
_DMC_01_rm_04pi_md1_set_sld Enable SLD port (DI3) and set profile
When alarm code is 299, get motion control error
message under RM04PI Mode 1
_DMC_01_set_rm_04pi_ref_counter Select reference counter for re-connection under
RM04PI Mode 1
4-Channel Analog Output Remote I/O Module API
_DMC_01_rm_04da_set_output_value Set DA output value
_DMC_01_rm_04da_get_output_value Read DA output
_DMC_01_rm_04da_get_return_code Read DA status
_DMC_01_rm_04da_set_output_range Set DA output range
_DMC_01_rm_04da_set_output_enable Enable/disable pin output
_DMC_01_rm_04da_set_output_overrange Increase output range by 10%
_DMC_01_rm_04da_set_output_error_clear Clear error status
_DMC_01_rm_04da_read_data Get current DA number
Keep original DA settings if the connection is broken
Set DA offset
Read DA offset