Chapter 20 2-Axis Arc Interpolation Motion Control API | PCI-DMC-A01 / PCI-DMC-B01
Revised March, 2012 20-25
20.12 _DMC_01_start_sa_arc3_xy
I16 PASCAL _DMC_01_start_sa_arc3_xy(U16 CardNo, U16* NodeID,U16* SlotID,
I32 Center_X, I32 Center_Y,I32 End_X,I32 End_Y, I16 Dir, I32 StrVel, I32 MaxVel, F64 Tacc,
F64 Tdec)
2-axis arc interpolation motion using absolute coordinates with S-curve velocity cross-section
(Known conditions: center point coordinates, endpoint coordinates).
Name Data Type Unit Description
CardNo U16 Number Unit
Node ID of card used for motion displacement
along X-axis and Y-axis
NodeIDArray U16* Number Unit
Holds Node ID sets used for arc interpolation
NodeIDArray[0] holds the 1st set of Node ID
NodeIDArray[1] holds the 2nd set of Node ID
SlotID U16* Number Unit Slot ID
Center_X I32 Number of pulses
Absolute center point X-coordinate on the
specified axis
Center_Y I32 Number of pulses
Absolute center point Y-coordinate on the
specified axis
End_x I32 Number of pulses
Absolute endpoint X-coordinate on the
specified axis
End_y I32 Number of pulses
Absolute endpoint Y-coordinate on the
specified axis
Dir I16 Selection
Specified direction (Clockwise if value is 1;
CCW if value is 0)
StrVel I32
Pulses per
Starting velocity parameter
MaxVel I32
Pulses per
Tangential velocity parameter
Tacc F64 Second Specified acceleration time
Tdec F64 Second Specified deceleration time