Chapter 42 Other API | PCI-DMC-A01 / PCI-DMC-B01
42-2 Revised March, 2012
42.1 _misc_app_get_circle_endpoint
I16 PASCAL _misc_app_get_circle_endpoint (I32 Start_X, I32 Start_Y, I32 Center_X,
I32 Center_Y, F64 Angle, I32* End_x, I32* End_y)
Retrieves endpoint coordinates (X, Y) required for arc interpolation.
Name Data Type Unit Description
Start_X I32 Number of pulses Starting X-coordinate
Start_Y I32 Number of pulses Starting Y-coordinate
Center_X I32 Number of pulses Center point's X-coordinate.
Center_Y I32 Number of pulses Center point's Y-coordinate.
Angle F64 Degree (°) Set arc angle. One full arc is 360
End_x I32* Number of pulses Endpoint's X-coordinate.
End_y I32* Number of pulses Endpoint's Y-coordinate.
I32 Start_X=0, Start_Y=0;
I32 Center_X=100000, Center_Y=0;
I32 End_x, End_y;
F64 Angle=180;
I16 status = _misc_app_get_circle_endpoint (Start_X, Start_Y, Center_X, Center_Y, Angle,
&End_x, &End_y);