Figure 8: Output voltage response to step-change in load
current (50%-75%-50% of Imax; dI/dt = 0.1A/µs).Vin=48V. Load
cap: 10µF, tantalum capacitor and 1µF ceramic capacitor. Top
trace: Vout (100mV/div), Bottom trace: Iout (5A/div). Scope
measurement should be made using a BNC cable (length
shorter than 20 inch). Position the load between 51 mm and 76
mm (2 inches and 3 inches) from the module.
Figure 9: Output voltage response to step-change in load
current (75%-50%-75% of Io, max; di/dt = 2.5A/µs). Load cap:
470µF, 35m
ESR solid electrolytic capacitor and 1µF ceramic
capacitor. Top Trace: Vout (100mV/div), Bottom Trace: Iout
(5A/div). Scope measurement should be made using a BNC
cable (length shorter than 20 inches). Position the load
between 51 mm to 76 mm (2 inches to 3 inches) from the
Figure 10: Test set-up diagram showing measurement points
for Input Terminal Ripple Current and Input Reflected Ripple
Note: Measured input reflected-ripple current with a simulated
source Inductance (L
of 12µH. Capacitor Cs offset possible
battery impedance. Measure current as shown above.