Chapter 4 Parameters|
4-98 Revision June 2008, 04EE, SW--PW V1.11/CTL V2.11
The motor auto tune procedure will set this parameter. The user may also set this parameter
without using Pr.07.04.
07.06 Motor Rated Slip (Motor 0) Unit: 0.01
Settings 0.00 to 20.00Hz Factory Setting: 3.00
Refer to the rated rpm and the number of poles on the nameplate of the motor and use the
following equation to calculate the rated slip.
Rated Slip (Hz) = F
(Pr.01.01 base frequency) – (rated rpm x motor pole 120)
07.07 Slip Compensation Limit Unit: 1
Settings 0 to 250% Factory Setting: 200
This parameter sets the upper limit of the compensation frequency (the percentage of
Example: when Pr.07.06=5Hz and Pr.07.07=150%, the upper limit of the compensation
frequency is 7.5Hz. Therefore, for a 50Hz motor, the max. output is 57.5Hz.
07.08 Torque Compensation Time Constant Unit: 0.01
Settings 0.01 ~10.00 sec Factory Setting: 0.10
07.09 Slip Compensation Time Constant Unit: 0.01
Settings 0.05 ~10.00 sec Factory Setting: 0.20
Setting Pr.07.08 and Pr.07.09 changes the response time for the compensations.
Too long time constants give slow response; too short values can give unstable operation.
07.10 Accumulative Motor Operation Time (Min.) Unit: 1
Settings 0~1439 Factory Setting: 0
07.11 Accumulative Motor Operation Time (Day) Unit: 1
Settings 0 ~65535 Factory Setting: 0
Pr.07.10 and Pr.07.11 are used to record the motor operation time. They can be cleared by
setting to 0 and time is less than 1 minute is not recorded.
07.12 Motor PTC Overheat Protection Unit: 1
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0 Disable
1 Enable
07.14 Motor PTC Overheat Protection Level Unit: 0.1