Appendix D How to Use PLC Function|
Revision June 2008, 04EE, SW--PW V1.11/CTL V2.11 D-31
The LDI command is used on the B contact that has its start from the left BUS or the B contact that is
the start of a contact circuit. Function of the command is to save present contents, and at the same
time, save the acquired contact status into the accumulative register.
Program Example:
Ladder diagram: Command code: Operation:
LDI X0 Load contact B of X0
AND X1 Connect to contact A of X1 in series
X0 X1
OUT Y1 Drive Y1 coil
Mnemonic Function
AND Series connection- A contact
X0~X17 Y0~Y17 M0~M159 T0~15 C0~C7 D0~D29
9 9 9 9 9
The AND command is used in the series connection of A contact. The function of the command is to
readout the status of present specific series connection contacts first, and then to perform the “AND”
calculation with the logic calculation result before the contacts, thereafter, saving the result into the
accumulative register.
Program Example:
Ladder diagram: Command code: Operation:
LDI X1 Load contact B of X1
AND X0 Connect to contact A of X0 in series
OUT Y1 Drive Y1 coil