Chapter 4 Parameters|
4-42 Revision July 2008, EG03, SW V1.06
Setting Functions Descriptions
18 PID disabled Disable PID feedback control and operate via Master
Frequency Command source Pr.02-00.
19 Run PLC Program
20 Pause PLC Program
Parameter value 32 programs Multi-Function Input
Terminal to enable the AC drive internal PLC program.
Parameter value 33 programs an input terminal to pause
the PLC program.
Note: Pr.05-00 to Pr.05-16 defines the PLC program.
21 1st Output Frequency
Gain (Pr.04-30)
Output frequency multiplies a gain (Pr.04-30)
22 2nd Output Frequency
Gain (Pr.04-31)
Output frequency multiplies a gain (Pr.04-31)
23 3rd Output Frequency
Gain (Pr.04-32)
Output frequency multiplies a gain (Pr.04-32)
04 - 04 Digital Input Terminal Response Time
Settings 01~20 Factory Setting: 01
This parameter selects the response time of digital input terminals MI1 to MI4, EF and FWD.
AC drive will scan the digital input terminals once every 2msec. During each scan the drive will
check the status of each terminal (open or closed).
In noisy environments, it would be advantageous to verify the terminal status several times
before executing a new command, nearly eliminating false signals.
Example: If Pr.04-04 is set to 4, the AC drive will confirm the terminal status (4+1 = 5) 5 times
before a change is made. This correlates to an 8~10msec time response from input command
to execution.
It is not recommended to set this parameter to 00, since interference may cause improper
operation of the AC drive.
04 - 05 Minimum AI1 Analog Input Unit: 1
Settings 0 ~ 100% Factory Setting: 0
04 - 06 Maximum AI1 Analog Input Unit: 1
Settings 0 ~ 100% Factory Setting: 100
04 - 07 Minimum Output that corresponds to AI1 Unit: 0.01
Settings 0.00~100.00% Factory Setting: 0.00
04 - 08 Maximum Output that corresponds to AI1 Unit: 0.01
Settings 0.00~100.00% Factory Setting: 100.00