Chapter 4 Parameters|
Revision July 2008, EG03, SW V1.06 4-43
04 - 09 Minimum AI2 Analog Input Unit: 1
Settings 0 ~ 100% Factory Setting: 0
04 - 10 Maximum AI2 Analog Input Unit: 1
Settings 0 ~ 100% Factory Setting: 100
04 - 11 Minimum Output that corresponds to AI2 Unit: 0.01
Settings 0.0~100.0% Factory Setting: 0.00
04 - 12 Maximum Output that corresponds to AI2 Unit: 0.01
Settings 0.0~100.0% Factory Setting: 100.00
04 - 13 1st AI1 Gain Unit: 0.1
04 - 14 2nd AI1 Gain Unit: 0.1
04 - 15 3rd AI1 Gain Unit: 0.1
04 - 16 4th AI1 Gain Unit: 0.1
04 - 17 5th AI1 Gain Unit: 0.1
04 - 18 1st AI2 Gain Unit: 0.1
04 - 19 2nd AI2 Gain Unit: 0.1
04 - 20 3rd AI2 Gain Unit: 0.1
04 - 21 4th AI2 Gain Unit: 0.1
04 - 22 5th AI2 Gain Unit: 0.1
Settings 0.0~100.0% Factory Setting: 100.0
These parameters set analog input value and maximum output frequency (01-00, used in
open-loop control) or the corresponding function of the detection reference value (10-01, used
in PID closed-loop control). They divide output frequency into several sections according to
Pr.04-26 to Pr.04-29. There is an independent gain and minimum output frequency in every
section. We can reduce inferior products and improve working efficiency via parameter
modification. For example, we set frequency via two groups analog input terminals. When the
frequency we set is 0-15Hz and the gain is 50%, the minimum output frequency will be 5Hz;
when the frequency we set is 15-35Hz and the gain is 80%, the minimum output frequency will
be 15Hz; when the frequency we set is 35-50Hz and the gain is 150%, the minimum output
frequency will be 35Hz as the following diagram shows.