Cisco BBSM Hotspot 1.0 User Guide
Chapter 2 Setting Up BBSM Hotspot
Changing the Default Security Passwords
Changing the Default Security Passwords
This section describes how to change the default security passwords that come with your BBSM Hotspot
server. Table 2-9 lists these passwords.
Caution For security reasons, we strongly recommend that you change these default passwords immediately.
Failing to change them could compromise network security. Do not use any blank passwords.
Changing the Windows 2000 Administrator Password
Use the following procedure to change the Windows 2000 Administrator default password.
Step 1 Choose Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Computer Management. The Computer
Management window appears. (See Figure 2-22.)
Table 2-9 BBSM Hotspot Default Passwords
Account Username
Password Description
Windows 2000
Cisco cisco The Windows 2000 Administrator has full system
permissions and rights, can alter any BBSM Hotspot
configuration setting, and has access to any Dashboard
MSDE System
sa cisco The MSDE system administrator (‘sa’) login is a
default system administrator login that is included
with every MSDE installation.