Cisco BBSM Hotspot 1.0 User Guide
Chapter 2 Setting Up BBSM Hotspot
Feature Considerations
Table 2-12 RADIUS Attribute Descriptions
Attribute Description
User-Name The end user enters this name to authenticate against the RADIUS server and access the Internet
through BBSM Hotspot.
User-Password The end user enters this password to authenticate against the RADIUS server and access the Internet
through BBSM Hotspot.
NAS-IP-Address Contains either the IP address of the BBSM Hotspot external NIC or the IP address entered in the
WEBconfig RADIUS Server web page as the NAT IP address.
NAS-Port The NAS-Port value is a numeric value (therefore the leading zeros of the site number are dropped).
BBSM Hotspot maps the NAS-Port attribute as the following: aaabbccddd, where aaa = site number,
bb = cluster, cc = switch, and ddd = port.
For example, if the site number = 1, the cluster number = 2, the switch number = 3, and the port
number = 5, the NAS-Port number = 10203005.
Service-Type 2 indicates Framed.
Framed-Protocol 1 indicates PPP.
Framed-IP-Address IP address of client computer (PC) connecting to the Internet through BBSM Hotspot.
Called-Station-Id Contains the MAC address of the BBSM Hotspot internal NIC.
Calling-Station-Id Contains the MAC address of the client (end-user) NIC.
Vendor-Specific Contains the bandwidth kbps value that the end user selects when requesting Internet access. This
attribute is only sent to RADIUS accounting servers if the UBand feature is enabled. See Table 2-13
for the vendor-specific attribute formatting.
NAS-Identifier Contains the NAS Identifier value entered in the WEBconfig RADIUS Server web page. If no value
is entered in this field, BBSM Hotspot will not include this attribute in the RADIUS Access-Request
Acct-Status-Type 1: Start Accounting-Request packet—Requests that a message be sent when the user gains access.
2: Interim-Update Accounting-Request packet—Requests that a message be sent at regular
intervals, as configured.
3: Stop Accounting-Request packet—Requests that a message be sent when the user disconnects.
Acct-Input-Octets The number of octets (bytes) that BBSM Hotspot received from the end user during their session.
Acct-Output-Octets The number of octets (bytes) that BBSM Hotspot transmitted to the end user during their session.
Acct-Session-Id The unique Session ID assigned to each BBSM Hotspot end-user session used to identify all
authentication and accounting messages generated for a single user session.
Acct-Session-Time Indicates how many seconds the user has received service for and can only be present in
Accounting-Request records where the Acct-Status-Type is set to Stop.
Acct-Input-Packets The number of packets that BBSM Hotspot received from the end user during the user’s session.
Acct-Output-Packets The number of packets that BBSM Hotspot transmitted to the end user during the user’s session.
Acct-Terminate-Cause Indicates how the session was terminated and can only be present in Accounting-Request records
where the Acct- Status-Type is set to Stop.
NAS-Port-Type 5 = Virtual.