14 Dialogic
Multimedia Software for ATCA Release 1.0 Release Update, Rev 06 — January 23, 2008
Dialogic Corporation
Known IPY00038149 hardware Shut down is not supported by opening of the Dialogic
Multimedia Blade latch. The blue LED (hotswap LED)
on the blade will blink indefinitely but never turn solid to
indicate shut down complete.
Workaround: To shut down the blade, log on locally
through the serial port or connect over the network and
initiate a shutdown. The blade can be initialized by
removing and reseating in the chassis.
Known IPY00038148 hardware Activation and de-activation via the shelf manager is not
supported on the Dialogic
Multimedia Blade latch. The
blue LED (hotswap LED) on the blade will blink
indefinitely but never turn solid to indicate shut down
Workaround: To shut down the blade, log on locally
through the serial port or connect over the network and
initiate a shutdown. The blade can be initialized by
removing and reseating in the chassis.
Known IPY00038147 hardware If the Dialogic
Multimedia Blade is deactivated using
the shelf manager, the kernel panics while shutting
down the system services and does not complete the
hot swap extraction cycle.
The craftsperson can then remove and/or restart the
Known IPY00036028 hardware The PSTN Rear Transition Module (RTM) generates
major events to the shelf manager stating that the
sensor “RTM +1.0 V” went over the upper critical limit.
Known IPY00036026 hardware The Dialogic
Multimedia Blade generates major
events to the shelf manager stating that the sensor
“SBC +1.1V SUS” went over the upper critical limit.
Known IPY00032623 MSML ‘audiosamplerate’ and ‘audiosamplesize’ must be
specified by the MSML application server when playing
a .WAV file from an offset.
Known IPY00034143 PSTN call control When using all 496 time slots on 16 E1 trunks, there is
a 1% failure rate with DTMF digit detection.
IPY00034168 CLI On a CLI shutdown (by dlstop), the CLI session port is
not immediately released. If a user does a dlstop
followed by a dlstart too quickly (within 20 seconds), the
dlstart may not be able to start the CLI session.
Workaround: If the CLI agent start part of dlstart fails,
then the workaround is to do the following from a
terminal window after around 20 seconds:
dlservices cli start
If it doesn't work immediately, try again in a few
seconds. This will start the CLI agent and user will be
able to use telnet again.
Issues Sorted by Type, Dialogic
Multimedia Platform (Continued)
Issue Type Defect No.
Product or