Multimedia Software for ATCA Release 1.0 Release Update, Rev 06 — January 23, 2008 17
Dialogic Corporation
Resolved IPY00035425 77 PSTN call control The firmware is printing unnecessary logs to the
messages file. These messages can be ignored.
The messages are similar to the following:
Oct 19 11:10:31 py1atcatvl16 CLIAGENT: From
Component: IPMS_ShowLinkAlarm : @
LastChange:0 seconds @
Oct 19 11:13:22 py1atcatvl16 ssp_x86Linux_boot: line
3056, file src/c/tsccomp.c
Oct 19 11:13:22 py1atcatvl16 ssp_x86Linux_boot: line
1198, file src/c/tsccomp.c
Oct 19 11:13:22 py1atcatvl16 ssp_x86Linux_boot: line
3056, file src/c/tsccomp.c
Oct 19 11:13:22 py1atcatvl16 ssp_x86Linux_boot: line
1198, file src/c/tsccomp.c
Oct 19 11:13:22 py1atcatvl16 [0xffff0000]TSC.000
Received unexpected message Unknown message
type(0x1244) from 0:0:2:b [0xffff0000]TSC.001
Received unexpected message Unknown message
type(0x1234) from 0:0:2:b [0xffff0000]TSC.000
Received unexpected message Unknown message
type(0x1244) from 0:0:2:b [0xffff0000]TSC.032
Received unexpected message Unknown message
type(0x1234) from 0:0:2:b
Oct 19 11:14:47 py1atcatvl16 ssp_x86Linux_boot:
RtcWriteBEvtDetected error: Event type -4605 is out of
range (max=127)
Resolved IPY00034277 -- TDM bus Receive failures in the DS1 adapter when attempting to
add a clock source to the FallBackList table via SNMP.
The Clock FallBack List is not functional; the user can
choose a clock but will not be able to rely on a fallback
Resolved IPY00034275 -- TDM bus When no fallback list is present, the TDM clock
manager in the firmware will attempt to access the non-
existent list when the cable is unplugged from a PSTN
trunk. This causes two identical events to be forwarded
to the CLI and SNMP saying that the TDM clock has
changed sources twice. This is misleading because in
actuality the clock source has not changed and red
alarms on a particular trunk (or trunks) should not have
any effect on the default internal oscillator clock source.
The Clock FallBack List is not functional; the user can
choose a clock but will not be able to rely on a fallback
Resolved IPY00033580 -- third party support Using RFC2833 with coder type G723.1 63(56)K,
30ms, 1(2) fpp, VAD off, digits are missed at a rate of 1
to 2%. (An example of missing digits is received
“19d6a*”, expected “159d86a*”.)
Issues Sorted by Type, Dialogic
Multimedia Platform (Continued)
Issue Type Defect No.
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