
Status alarms and recommended actions (continued)Table 10-2:
Alarm code Description Cause Recommended actions
A101 mA Output 1 Fixed Non-zero HART address
configured, or the mA
output is configured to
send a constant value.
Check whether the output is in loop test
mode. If it is, unfix the output.
Exit mA output trim, if applicable.
Check the HART polling address.
Check whether the output has been set to a
constant value via digital communication.
A102 Drive Overrange The drive power (cur-
rent/voltage) is at its
Check the drive gain and the pickoff voltage.
See Section 10.26 and Section 10.27.
Check for electrical shorts. See Section 10.28.
A104 Calibration in Progress A calibration procedure
is in process.
Allow the procedure to complete.
For zero calibration, you may abort the calibra-
tion, set the zero time parameter to a lower
value, and restart the calibration.
A105 Slug Flow The density has excee-
ded the user-defined
slug (density) limits.
Check for slug flow. See Section 10.25.
A106 Burst Mode Enabled HART burst mode is en-
No action required.
If desired, you can reconfigure the alarm se-
verity level to Ignore.
A107 Power Reset Occurred The transmitter has
been restarted.
No action required.
If desired, you can reconfigure the alarm se-
verity level to Ignore.
A108 Basic Event 1 On No action required.
Review event configuration if you believe the
event was triggered erroneously.
A109 Basic Event 2 On No action required.
Review event configuration if you believe the
event was triggered erroneously.
A110 Frequency Output Satu-
The calculated frequen-
cy output is outside of
the linear range.
Check the frequency output scaling. See
Section 10.21.
Check process conditions. Actual conditions
may be outside of the normal conditions for
which the output is configured.
Verify process conditions, checking especially
for air in the flow tubes, tubes not filled, for-
eign material in the tubes, or coating in the
Verify that the measurement units are config-
ured correctly for your application.
Purge the flow tubes.
A111 Frequency Output Fixed The frequency output
has been configured to
send a constant value.
Check whether the output is in loop test
mode. If it is, unfix the output.
Check whether the output has been set to a
constant value via digital communication.
164 Micro Motion
9739 MVD Transmitters