
Status alarms and recommended actions (continued)Table 10-2:
Alarm code Description Cause Recommended actions
A131 Meter Verification in
Progress: Outputs to
Last Measured Value
Meter verification in
progress, with outputs
set to Last Measured Val-
Allow the procedure to complete.
A132 Sensor Simulation Ac-
Simulation mode is en-
No action required.
Disable sensor simulation.
A133 EEPROM Error (Display) The transmitter display
is not functional.
Contact Micro Motion.
A141 DDC trigger(s) have
N/A Density FD Calibration
in Progress
Allow the procedure to complete.
N/A Density D1 Calibration
in Progress
Allow the procedure to complete.
N/A Density D2 Calibration
in Progress
Allow the procedure to complete.
N/A Density D3 Calibration
in Progress
Allow the procedure to complete.
N/A Density D4 Calibration
in Progress
Allow the procedure to complete.
N/A Zero Calibration in Pro-
Allow the procedure to complete.
N/A Reverse Flow No action required.
10.3 Flow measurement problems
Flow measurement problems and recommended actionsTable 10-3:
Problem Possible causes Recommended actions
Flow indication at no
flow conditions or
zero offset
Misaligned piping (especially in new in-
Open or leaking valve
Incorrect sensor zero
Verify that all of the characterization parame-
ters match the data on the sensor tag.
If the flow reading is not excessively high, re-
view the live zero. You may need to restore
the factory zero.
Check for open or leaking valves or seals.
Check for mounting stress on the sensor
(e.g., sensor being used to support piping,
misaligned piping).
Contact Micro Motion.
166 Micro Motion
9739 MVD Transmitters