Softing Linking Device –
Manual for Configuration, Installation and Maintenance
FF-CONF Configure your plant
V1.31 page 43 of 85
Build All
<Build All> Build all first checks the configuration and then builds a download domain if there
are no error messages which prevent generation of the download domain.
A lot of information, warning and error codes are given in the Trace log. If the build all
function is done successfully you can download a device or the whole project. Download
<Download> needs the online mode. You can download a device or the whole project.
5.1-6 Download device or project
Download Device
A single marked device can be downloaded after all the input and updates are checked for
Please use the download device functionality only if you are sure that the changes
will not affect other devices. Otherwise your system might not work correctly.
Download Project
All data of the project can be downloaded after all the input and updates are checked for
correctness. The download of the project transfers the download domain created by a build
from the PC to the Linking Device and the H1 Devices.
Inexperienced users of Foundation Fieldbus© are recommended to use
<download project>. Error messages are shown in the trace log view and will help
you to debug your control application.
The trace log provides a lot of information. You can filter it by choosing only errors and
warnings (disable information).
After a successful download the units are fully operable.