Softing Linking Device –
Manual for Configuration, Installation and Maintenance
Appendix A - Bus Parameter Configuration
V1.31 page 77 of 85
MaxResponseDelay SlotTimes, V(MRD) × V(ST). Both
parameters are specified in octet durations. The
attributes MaxResponseDelay and SlotTime should be
set such that the device represents the maximum
response delay in octets of the device. The capability
can be obtained from the device’s CFF file. When
configuring an H1 Link the maximum value of the
product SlotTime × MaxResponseDelay of all devices
residing on that link should be the minimum value for
the Link configuration. This is to assure that all devices
participate on the bus.
than the default
This parameter specifies the minimum interval between
two frames on the H1 link. The minimum value of
MinInterPDUDelay which a device is able to support is
described in the CFF file of a device. When configuring
the H1 link the minimum value that can be used for
MinInterPDUDelay is the maximum of the values from
the CFF files of the used devices.
Max. value of
the capabilities
of the H1 link
and all H1
devices on the
link shall be
d V(MSO)
This parameter specifies the maximum scheduling
overhead permitted an LAS DLE by the existing link
schedule. The parameters unit is the transmission
duration of one octet. This overhead is included in the
time allocated for each scheduled activity, and so is
used only during schedule construction and
determination of whether a DLE can serve as LAS for
an existing schedule. An H1 device capable value of
V(MSO) will be checked with the configured value in the
LAS domain during download of the domain.
Max. value of
the capabilities
of the H1 link
and all BLM
capable H1
devices on the
link shall be
Each frame on the H1 link starts with a preamble octet
which is used by the receiving nodes (Devices) to
synchronize to the signal clock. The number of
preamble(s) can be extended when setting this
parameter. The default value is 0. Networks including
digital repeaters may require larger values.
The parameter defines the physical layer induced delay
between the end of the last octet of one data link frame
as it appears on the link, and the beginning of the first
octet of any other data link frame as it appears on the
7.2 Bus parameters relevant for H1 Links
The following bus parameters are additionally relevant for configuration of H1 Links or a Link
master device.
Determines how long a device can hold a token, i.e.
how much time the device can use for acyclic bus traffic
(Client/Server connections, SM services and
As the accuracy of the LAS schedule has the highest
priority, the remaining time for granting the token might
be less than DefTokenHoldTime. In this case the token