4.4 XDF Site Preparation
When deciding where to place your Liebert XDF, keep in mind these factors:
• electricity is required to operate the compressor (208V-3ph-60Hz) and the controls and evaporator
fans (120V-1ph-60Hz)
• adequate ventilation and makeup air are necessary for proper equipment operation and protec-
• service clearance must be provided
• the XDF must be on a level surface to ensure proper operation
• condensate must be drained, either by gravity-fed drain or optional condensate pump
• water/glycol cooled units require connection to a water or drycooler loop
Liebert’s self-contained, air cooled XDF is intended for installation in open areas. Field-supplied duct-
ing, an external booster fan and sufficient makeup air are required for installing a self-contained, air
cooled model in closed-in areas, such as in a closet, alcove or similar space. Contact your local Liebert
representative before installing the XDF in an area that might inhibit heat dissipation.
Note the dimensions of your XDF to determine the space required. The self-contained, air cooled XDF
requires clearance of 36 in. (915mm) at the top, front, back and right side for equipment access and
service (see Figure 17). The water/glycol XDF requires clearance of 36 in. (915mm) at the front, back
and right side for equipment access and service; no top clearance is required.
Figure 17 XDF clearances
Network Power
36" (915mm)
Self-Contained, Air Cooled
model shown.
Water/Glycol models do not
require top clearance.