4.10 Door—Remove
The XDF’s doors are removable for convenience when installing equipment.
4.10.1 Remove the Door
1. Remove the bolts securing the lower half of
each two-piece hinge to the door.
2. Remove the lower half of each hinge.
3. Lift the door straight up until the pins clear
the hinges.
4. Set the door in a safe place.
4.10.2 Quick Door Removal
For minimum-security installations that also
require frequent and fast removal of the door, the
lower half of the hinge assembly may be perma-
nently removed. This allows for quick removal of
an open door by lifting the door straight up until
the pins clear the hinge mount.
4.11 Side Panels—Remove and Replace
XDF side panels are simple to remove and replace,
making it easier to install equipment and to ser-
vice the XDF. Panel removal also improves access
for equipment maintenance and replacement.
4.11.1 Remove the Left Panel
To remove the left panel from the XDF:
1. The left panel is secured with two internal security quarter-turn fasteners and four panel
retainers. Open the doors and locate the internal security quarter-turn fasteners on the left side
panel. The security fasteners are at the top front and top rear corners of the panel.
2. Using the factory-supplied T-handle Allen wrench, turn the internal security fasteners
counterclockwise 90 degrees.
3. Locate the four panel retainers on the outside of the left XDF panel. One retainer is in each corner
of the panel.
4. Using the factory-supplied T-handle Allen wrench, turn the panel retainers counterclockwise
90 degrees.
5. Lift the panel off the lip at the bottom of the XDF and set it in a safe location.
Risk of electric shock. Can cause injury or death.
Disconnect all local and remote electric power before working within and/or installing
Risk of heavy panel falling off. Can cause injury and/or equipment damage.
Support the panel when removing it. Unlocking the security fasteners and removing the panel
retainers will allow unsupported panel to fall.
this bolt