Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1 piece (20g)
Serving per Container 22
Amount Per Serving:
Calories: 50
Fat Calories: 0
Total Fat 0g
Sodium 0g
Total Carbohydrates 12g
Sugars 11g
Protein 0g
Fat and blood glucose
Although fat does not have carbohydrate, it may affect your blood glucose level. Your blood glucose can be normal
2 hours after a meal with high fat foods. However, 4-6 hours later your blood glucose will increase. That is because
the fat slows down the rate the carbohydrates are absorbed in that meal.
Foods with fat include:
• margarine • oils • mayonnaise
• salad dressing • nuts • fried foods
• butter • sour cream • whole milk
• cream cheese • bacon • high fat meats
Doctors and health experts suggest that all people, with or without diabetes, eat less total fat—namely less
saturated fat. If you have high cholesterol or are trying to lose weight, it is key to limit the amount of fat you eat
per day.
There are bolus type options available on your pump that can be helpful in handling the rare high-fat meal. Before
using bolus type options, you should be at ease using basic pump features and consult with your healthcare
Introduction to pump therapy 21