If you are not entering a blood glucose and want to bolus for food, select the dashes in the ENTER BG screen.
The Bolus Wizard feature will calculate the insulin needed for your food entry without considering your
blood glucose level. Press ACT and continue to step 4.
b. If you are using the meter, your pump checks if the entered BG is within your target range.
NOTE: You must program your bolus within 12 minutes of the pump receiving the reading from the meter.
If more than 12 minutes have passed, the reading will no longer be available from the screen and you must
enter your blood glucose manually.
Press ACT to accept the Blood glucose value. You can change this blood glucose value, if necessary, then
press ACT. Continue to step 4.
The ENTER FOOD screen appears.
a. If this is a food bolus, enter the food value you will eat, then press ACT.
b. If this is a correction bolus, select 0 (zero) as the value, then press ACT.
The ESTIMATE DETAILS screen appears. Review the information in this screen. If you need to make any changes,
press ESC to return to the ENTER BG screen (step 3) and make changes as necessary.
Press ACT In the ESTIMATE DETAILS screen. The SET BOLUS screen appears with the estimated bolus amount
flashing. Change the amount if desired. Press ACT to accept and start delivery of the bolus.
NOTE: If you have BG Reminder turned On, a screen displays allowing you to accept or modify the length of
time after this bolus before you are reminded to check your BG. See the BG reminder section in the Basic
programming chapter for information about this feature.
The BOLUS DELIVERY screen appears. The pump will beep or vibrate at the start and end of the bolus. As the
bolus is delivered, the screen shows the bolus type and amount until the total units have been delivered. The
screen then returns to the HOME screen.
Bolus Wizard feature examples
For the scenarios that follow, Michael has his Bolus Wizard feature turned on with the following settings:
Carb ratio: 15 grams per unit of insulin
Insulin Sensitivity: 40 mg/dL (2.2 mmol/L) per unit of insulin
BG Target: 90 - 120 mg/dL (5.0 - 6.6 mmol/L)
Active Insulin Time: 6 hours
80 Using the Bolus Wizard feature